Ayannali Blog

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Location: Connecticut, United States

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

More on the News regarding Hurricane Katrina

Woke up to find the the Former FEMA head lays most of the blame to the inadequate response to Hurricane Katrina on the Local governments.
Here's a few questions for you:

Who turned away medical helicopters from hospitals during the first days after the storm? Local officials? No FEMA reps.

Who turned back truckloads of ice and water on the highways and refused them entry? Local officials? No FEMA Reps.

Who said his way of coordinating the effort was to tell the governor to evacuate? Michael Brown.

If you tell someone to evacuate, did you also say...We will evacuate as per the procedures set down and agreed upon in this plan. Or did you say ... You have to get your people out.

There is a little bit of difference between those two statements, isn't there?

Another thing I have been hearing this morning is that the reports of the mass murders, rapes and lawlessness were exaggerated. Could this be true?? They are saying, due to lack of communication, the reports of Rapes and Murders could not be confirmed, but were reported as fact anyway. The report that up to or beyond 30 people murdered in the Convention Center and the Superdome, turn out to be one.

There is a little bit of difference between those two numbers, isn't there?

Let's hope the response to Hurricane Rita proves to be more efficient. Though, looking at the same news reports, that doesn't seem to be the case.


Blogger cube said...

I know what you're saying, but FEMA is not a first responder. And to make matters worse, there were bad people shooting at the helicopters. This was a unique situation. I do know the Governor wouldn't allow the Salvation Army or the Red Cross in because they wanted the Superdome evacuated & she felt the people wouldn't leave if they were fed.

The media passed along false information, but so did the local officials, who were responsible for ridiculous statements.

I wouldn't just blame FEMA when there is plenty of blame on the locals.

11:15 AM  
Blogger Ayannali said...

I am not just blaming FEMA, though admittedly they were my target for this post. I do recognize that the local governments could have done a better job as well.

7:33 AM  
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7:39 PM  
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5:11 PM  
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11:43 PM  

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