Ayannali Blog

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Location: Connecticut, United States

Sunday, April 22, 2007


I just found out that one of the guys i went to high school with has ALS. I am completely floored by this. Why?

Who would think that this disease also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease would hit someone so young?
I know most people do not think of 34 as young, but I still do.

There are some industrious people in my graduating class I must say. I found out about it through email about a fund raiser for him that was being organized. In the email there was not only plans of what was going to be taking place: A silent Auction, Dinner, a live auction among other things, there was already a list of donors who have donated goods and services as well a pledging to match a certain amount of funds.

I am going to my boss to see if there is anything my company can do to help.

Here is a local site on ALS

If people would like to donate to help a former classmate pay for a much needed operation, all donations should be sent to:

Andrew Schemera Foundation for Life c/o Lisa Cox - 22 Fox's Lane Greenwich, Ct 06830

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Conversation with My Child

While watching CNN the other day, I had a conversation with my 13 year old boy. There was a person being interviewed about the whole Imus and the derogatory statement he made about the players of Rutgers University women's basketball team.

The person being interviewed was pointing out that some of the highest selling rap artists use worse language in their songs denigrating women. So I asked my son if he thought it was right to call women these names. He said no it's disrespectful. Then we started talking about what happened to Imus and the punishment he received. I asked, do you think that was fair? My son said yes , we should all be punished for the wrongs we do.
We got back to music and the words in some rap songs and he said that those rappers shouldn't be able to disrespect women or anybody. they should be punished for being worse then Imus.

My 13 year old boy, who is part of the next generation that will be coming of age in less then 5 years understands that these words are disrespectful. He doesn't want to have anything to do with them.

My job is to keep my child on the straight and narrow, how much help will I be getting from the corporations that run the Music industry to keep filth off of the airwaves? How much money is made off of these rappers by stockholders of the company that owns the record label?

I have made a decision by not allowing my son to listen to or buy songs or artists that denigrate women in my presence. Now how about some help with keeping it off the airwaves so that when he is away from me, and it's playing on the radio in a car with a friend, he's not subjected to it? When are the people at the top going to be held responsible for their part in all of this??

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Another type of wake up email I recieved.

I am going to share an article that was sent to me by my Step mother recently:

From the NY Times:

March 15, 2007

Op-Ed Columnist

The Danger Zone

The national unemployment rate came in at 4.5 percent last week and was generally characterized as pretty good. But whatever universe those numbers came from, it was not the universe that black men live in.

Black American males inhabit a universe in which joblessness is frequently the norm, where the idea of getting up each morning and going off to work can seem stranger to a lot of men than the dream of hitting the lottery, where the dignity that comes from supporting oneself and one’s family has too often been replaced by a numbing sense of hopelessness.

What I’m talking about is extreme joblessness — joblessness that is coursing through communities and being passed from one generation to another, like a deadly virus.

Forget, for a moment, the official unemployment numbers. They understate the problem of joblessness for all groups. Far more telling is the actual percentage of people in a given segment of the working-age population that is jobless.

Black men who graduate from a four-year college do reasonably well in terms of employment, compared with other ethnic groups. But most black men do not go to college. In big cities, more than half do not even finish high school.

Their employment histories are gruesome. Over the past few years, the percentage of black male high school graduates in their 20s who were jobless (including those who abandoned all efforts to find a job) has ranged from well over a third to roughly 50 percent. Those are the kinds of statistics you get during a depression.

For dropouts, the rates of joblessness are staggering. For black males who left high school without a diploma, the real jobless rate at various times over the past few years has ranged from 59 percent to a breathtaking 72 percent.

“Seventy-two percent jobless!” said Senator Charles Schumer, chairman of Congress’s Joint Economic Committee, which held a hearing last week on joblessness among black men. “This compares to 29 percent of white and 19 percent of Hispanic dropouts.”

Senator Schumer described the problem of black male unemployment as “profound, persistent and perplexing.”

Jobless rates at such sky-high levels don’t just destroy lives, they destroy entire communities. They breed all manner of antisocial behavior, including violent crime. One of the main reasons there are so few black marriages is that there are so many black men who are financially incapable of supporting a family.

“These numbers should generate a sense of national alarm,” said Senator Schumer.

They haven’t. However much this epidemic of joblessness may hurt, very little is being done about it. According to the Labor Department, only 97,000 new jobs were created in February. That’s not even enough to accommodate new entrants to the work force.

And then there’s the question of who’s getting the new jobs. According to statistics compiled by the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston, the only groups that have experienced a growth in jobs since the last recession are older workers and immigrants.

People can howl all they want about how well the economy is doing. The simple truth is that millions of ordinary American workers are in an employment bind. Steady jobs with good benefits are going the way of Ozzie and Harriet. Young workers, especially, are hurting, which diminishes the prospects for the American family. And blacks, particularly black males, are in a deep danger zone.

Instead of addressing this issue constructively, government officials have responded by eviscerating programs that were designed to move young people from disadvantaged backgrounds into the labor market.

Robert Carmona, president of Strive, an organization that helps build job skills, told Senator Schumer’s committee, “What we’ve seen over the last several years is a deliberate disinvestment in programs that do work.”

What’s needed are massive programs of job training and job creation, and a sustained national effort to bolster the education backgrounds of disadvantaged youngsters. So far there has been no political will to do any of that.

You get lip service. But when you walk into the neighborhoods and talk to the young people, you find that very little, if anything, is being done. Which is why the real-world employment environment has become so horrendous for so many.

My questions are, WHY ARE SO MANY YOUNG MEN DROPPING OUT OF SCHOOL!? and why WOULDN'T people want to do programs that build job skills for all. Also why don't parents network to make sure that their children can find work?

I am not the best single mother in the world, but I try to help my son have opportunities to learn and grow. In two years, provided nothing catastrophic happens, my eldest will be interning with a landscaper for the summer. He will have a job. at 15.

I have worked since I was 11 - being a paper girl, I don't understand this do nothing mentality.